School of Business Administration

Career and Life Design for Students
With the support of a strong, dedicated Career and Life Design team serving as a gateway to the future, Oakland business students build marketable skills, gain professional work experience and explore their passions. Students are empowered through career consultation, networking and recruitment events, virtual resources and personal branding sessions. The School of Business Administration Career and Life Design team is ready to assist OU business students through in-person and virtual appointments as well as phone and email. You may make an appointment on Handshake.
It’s a fact, employers seek Oakland business students and graduates. Representatives from hundreds of companies interview and recruit Oakland University business students at career fairs, mixers and other professional events. Oakland business graduates launch careers in organizations across many sectors including accounting, automotive, aerospace, defense, financial services, health care, information services, manufacturing and more.
On an annual basis, Handshake lists more than 10,000 job postings and nearly 5,000 internship postings for business majors, plus positions in other fields. Oakland University is among the top five in-state institutions from which employers actively recruit, according to a 2022 report from American Society of Employers.
School of Business Administration Career and Life Design
232 Elliott Hall hosts scheduled appointments (those scheduled in Handshake or scheduled via Career and Life Design at 248-370-3250).
Maelle Rouquet, Career and Life Design Coach
(248) 370-3216
Natalie Iscaro, SBA ACHIEVE & Career and Life Design Office Assistant
(248) 370-4192
Career and Life Design Center - Main Office
Drop-In Advising remains at 154 North Foundation Hall. Drop-In hours are available for students and alumni who would like to discuss career-related topics with a Career and Life Design team member, without establishing a formal appointment.
Drop-Ins are 15 minutes in length. See the Careers webpage for hours and additional information.
Career and Life Design Coaches provide a variety of services including, but not limited to:
- Resume Reviews
- Cover Letter Reviews
- Mock Interviews
- Job Search Strategies
- Career Guidance
- Informational Interview Guidance
- Career Fair Prep
- Networking and Social Media Tips
- Workshops
- On-Campus Recruiting and Interviewing
Career Ambassadors are a career resource for students from all different majors and classes. By meeting with students, they spread the word about the resume, interview and job search help that Career and Life Design provides.
Between career fairs, mixers, meet and greets, information sessions, speed networking events and more, the Career and Life Design Center and the business school is abuzz with career activity and opportunities. Check the Career and Life Design Center calendar for the latest events.
You can also follow OU Career and Life Design on Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter to stay up to date on career and internship opportunities and other happenings.
2022-23 First Destination Report Highlights
Employers seek Oakland University business graduates for openings in their organizations. Representatives from hundreds of companies come to campus each year to meet and interview OU business students.
As Oakland Business student, you’ll meet business professionals and employers face-to-face, often, in the classroom, at student organization events, at invitation-only industry, professional events, and more. You’ll learn about internship and career opportunities at recruiting and informational events that bring employers from a variety of industries to campus.
Internship, Career Opportunities & Continuing Education
91% career outcomes rate*
86% of graduates completed an internship or internship-like experience while at OU
12% pursuing further education
*career outcomes rate includes: employed, pursuing continuing education, pursuing other commitments (e.g. serving in military, volunteering, raising a family)
Oakland University business graduates who reported salaries, reported a median salary of $62,000.
99% of employed graduates are employed in Michigan
2022-23 First Destination Report Top Industries
- Automotive
- Accounting
- Commercial Banking & Credit
- Construction
- Financial Services
- Healthcare
- Insurance
- Manufacturing
- Retail Stores
- Real Estate
- Sales & Marketing
2022-23 First Destination Report Select Top Employers
- BorgWarner
- General Motors
- Plante Moran
- PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers)
- Rocket Companies
Knowledge Rate - The information is based on reliable and verifiable outcome knowledge for 81 percent of students who graduated with an undergraduate degree from the School of Business Administration 2022-2023.